Some people may be apprehensive about wearing short sleeves and tank tops once the weather gets warmer. These articles of clothing have minimal to no coverage on the arms, which can be uncomfortable if you have excess, sagging skin and stubborn fat on your upper arms that you’d rather not reveal. This blog discusses how an arm lift can help build confidence in the appearance of arms, just in time to proudly show them off next summer.
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Sleeveless for the Summertime
The summertime brings warmer temperatures, often necessitating short sleeves, tank tops, and bathing suits. Many look forward to summer weather for long sunny days, outdoor activities, hanging out by the pool, and spending time with friends and family. Some people are thrilled to bust out their summer wardrobe and feel the warm air on their skin—yet others are less excited about the prospect of short sleeves and sleeveless tops.
For those with excess skin and fat on the upper arms, it can be challenging to feel completely comfortable and confident in sleeveless clothing. Sometimes, excess skin on the arms can cause uncomfortable chafing as the skin rubs against your body or tight clothing. Many people dislike how stubborn fat in the upper arms can be highlighted in short sleeves and sleeveless shirts, making them avoid these clothing items as much as possible. This can lead to people feeling like they need to cover up their arms with long sleeves and jackets, which can also create discomfort when the weather is unbearably hot.
Building Body Confidence With Arm Lift Surgery
If saggy arms and stubborn pockets of fat are causing you to hide your arms, you might want to consider arm lift surgery. An arm lift can eliminate excess skin and fat on the upper arms, leaving you with a smoother, slimmer arm contour that you can feel confident showing off in sleeveless styles.
An arm lift is a surgical procedure that removes stubborn fat deposits, tightens the arm skin, and trims off excess hanging skin to eliminate sagging. Many patients enjoy having their newly sculpted arms and find that this procedure gives them the confidence to wear whatever clothing they want. This is especially beneficial for many people during the summertime, so they can enjoy the warmer weather and various activities without feeling like they need to cover up and overheat their bodies.

What Are the Benefits of Arm Lift Surgery?
After an arm lift, many patients are able to enjoy the following benefits:
- Slimmer, smoother arms
- No more sagging skin (sometimes referred to as “bat wing arms”)
- Restored confidence in appearance
- Eliminated chafing from excess skin
- New wardrobe possibilities
When Can I See My Arm Lift Results?
When planning your arm lift procedure, you’ll want to factor in downtime for recovery. Keep in mind that you may need to wear a compression garment around your arms while you heal from surgery. The recovery period typically lasts a few weeks, with many patients able to return to work and daily activities around 2 to 4 weeks after their surgery.
You’ll see immediate improvements in your arm contours right after surgery. Around six weeks after surgery, swelling tends to subside. It can take around nine to twelve months for arm lift scars to heal and lighten in appearance.
Schedule Your Arm Lift Consultation in Dallas, TX
Are you ready to restore confidence in your arms and comfortably wear whatever you want next summer? To start your arm lift journey, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Aly in Dallas, Texas. To contact Dr. Aly’s office for more information on arm lift surgery or to set up your consultation, call (214) 645-3213 or fill out our online contact form today.