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Can You Get Rid of “Bat Wing” Arms With Exercise?

Posted October 18, 2024 in Arm Lift

Many people who have bat wing arms dislike the appearance and want to know what exercises they can do to eliminate them. While arm exercises can help you lose unwanted fat and excess skin in the arms and gain some muscles, they cannot remove the excess skin on the upper arms. This blog discusses how exercise and weight loss can help you tone your arms while emphasizing that upper arm reduction surgery is needed to remove excess sagging skin.

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Feeling Confident In Your Body

Many of us want to feel confident in our everyday lives, not only in our physical appearance but also in ourselves as a whole. Often, when you’re confident in the way you look, it is much easier to have higher self-esteem and feel completely comfortable with yourself. Yet it can be tricky to be confident in your appearance when body insecurities are nagging at you, especially if this persists for years. A common area of concern for people is the upper arms, particularly when excess fat and skin accumulate in this area, creating a lumpy and droopy look.  

While it can be emotionally taxing to dislike an aspect of your body, it’s important to know that cosmetic surgery options may be able to provide much-needed relief. Arm lift surgery, also known as upper arm reduction or brachioplasty, is an option that allows many people to achieve their ideal slimmer arm contours. If extra fat and skin in the arms are bothering you, scheduling a consultation with a board-certified surgeon can help determine if you’d be a good fit for arm lift surgery. 

What Are Bat Wing Arms? 

The phrase “bat wing” arms refers to excess fat and flabby skin in the upper arm region, as they resemble the shape of a bat’s wings. Excess fat and skin on the upper arms can create a disproportionate look with the rest of your body features, and it can often cause uncomfortable chafing due to the hanging skin rubbing against the body. It can also be difficult to find clothing that fits properly and in a flattering way around the arms, as the extra fat and skin can make shirtsleeves fit poorly. 

Those who are looking to eliminate the appearance of bat wing arms may turn to various arm exercises as methods for removing the flabby look. Yet, it is often a wide misconception that exercise can get rid of bat wing arms. Arm exercises can certainly help you lose stubborn fat in the arms and build some muscle; however, no amount of exercise will remove the hanging skin from the upper arms. 

How to Get Rid of Bat Wing Arms 

The only way to remove excess skin on the upper arms is through surgery. Patients who wish to recontour their arms and achieve a slimmer, more toned appearance will often get arm lift surgery to eliminate the sagging excess skin. Dr. Aly uses a unique approach called Aly-posterior scar brachioplasty to eliminate stubborn fat and excess skin to create the desired arm shape. During arm lift surgery, Dr. Aly will create an incision along the back area of the arm, allowing him to make adjustments to the underlying structure. Once these adjustments have been made, the skin will be pulled over the arms to create a smoother look, and excess skin will be trimmed away to eliminate sagging. 

How Can an Aly-Posterior Scar Brachioplasty Eliminate Bat Wing Arms?

Dr. Aly’s specialized arm lift technique can be especially beneficial for patients who have lost a significant amount of weight and have problematic upper arm excess. An Aly-posterior scar brachioplasty focuses on the posterior fold, which is the portion of skin connecting the upper arm to the armpit and chest. This also happens to be the area that is excessive in “bat wing” arms.  During the procedure, Dr. Aly expertly creates an incision toward the back of the arm to eliminate excess skin along the posterior fold. This approach creates a scar along the length of the arm that is less visible from the front, creating an aesthetically pleasing result that matches the shape of the underlying muscle. 

Want to Know More About Arm Lift Surgery in Dallas, TX? 

Are bat wing arms bothering you and affecting your confidence on a regular basis? If so, it may be time to consider arm lift surgery. Scheduling a consultation with Dr. Aly can be a great first step in your arm lift journey, allowing you to finally restore confidence in your appearance. To learn more about your arm lift options or to schedule a consultation in Dallas, TX, call (214) 645-3565 or fill out our online contact form today.